Saturday, October 5, 2013

C4K Summary for September

Deedee's "This I Believe" Blog Post


Deedee is a high school student in Jamie Martin's 4th block class. In Deedee's blog post This I Believe, she wrote about her passion for basketball. Deedee included a lot about the consequences if she does something wrong at practice or during a game. If Deedee makes a mistake during practice or during a game, the coach makes the entire basketball team suffer the consequences, which is typically running a lot of laps around the basketball court. Deedee included in her blog post that she tries really hard not to make mistakes so the entire team does not have to suffer from her own mistake. She wrote that this forces her basketball team to work as a team on and off the court. Deedee wrote in her post, "Through basketball I've learned everything I need to know; this I believe." Deedee also included that she has learned how important teamwork is and that she does not know how to exhibit bad team work.

My Comment to Deedee's "This I Believe" Blog Post
In my comment to Deedee, I introduced myself and told her that I would be commenting on her post as an assignment in EDM310. I told her that I thoroughly enjoyed reading her blog post. I also told her how wonderful it is that she understands the importance of teamwork, because good teamwork is something that will she will have to exhibit her entire life. I told Deedee that in college I have had many assignments that I've had to work along with a group to complete. I also explained to Deedee how I will have to exhibit successful teamwork in my future career. I encouraged Deedee to keep up the hard work, and I also told her how thoughtful and well explained her blog post was. I invited Deedee to check out my blog along with the EDM310 class blog, and also wished her good luck with basketball.

Amber's "OpTiCaL IlLuSiOnS" Blog Post

Optical Illusion

In Amber's blog post "OpTiCaL IlLuSiOnS," she included a few interesting pictures of optical illusions. The picture I provided is one of the pictures she included in her blog post. Amber is in Mrs. Lieschke's 5th grade class in Australia. The only text she included in her blog post reads, "HI, Year 5 and conner can you see the oPtIcAl IlLuSiOnS." From this, I gathered that Amber is in the 5th grade and she asked one of her classmates, Conner, if he could see the optical illusions in the pictures included in her post.

My Comment to Amber's "OpTiCaL IlLuSiOnS" Blog Post
In my comment to Amber, I introduced myself and explained where I am from and what college I attend. I told Amber how interesting the pictures of optical illusions were. I told Amber that my favorite picture on her post was the picture that looked like a bicycle. I then told Amber that I like ferris wheels because they remind me of the county fairs we have here in Alabama. I then thanked Amber for sharing her optical illusion pictures with me. I invited Amber to visit my blog and the EDM310 class blog.

Shaitarn's "Puzzle" Blog Post

Crossword Puzzle

Shaitarn is in Mrs. Lavakula's 5th grade class in Aukland, NZ. In Shaitarn's blog post "Puzzle," he includes a picture of a crossword puzzle and writes, "My own puzzle." The words he included in his crossword puzzle include kilo, meter, shapes, time, and many others.

My Comment to Shaitarn's Blog Post "Puzzle"
In my comment to Shaitarn, I introduced myself, explained where I am from, and told him what college I attend. I thanked Shaitarn for sharing his crossword puzzle and asked him what he used to create his crossword puzzle. I also asked Shaitarn if he created this puzzle just for fun or if it was an assignment in his class. I told Shaitarn I hoped to hear back from him and wished him good luck in school. I invited Shaitarn to visit my blog and the EDM310 class blog.

Angel's "How Much Does the Sky Weight????" Blog Post

Indian Elephant

Angel is in Mr. Rhodus' 6th grade class at Elsanor Elementary. In Angel's "How Much Does the Sky Weigh????" blog post, Angel writes that the sky does, in fact, weigh. According to Angel, the sky weighs 570,000,000,000 adult Indian Elephants. WOW! In this post, Angel writes that the air does not crush humans because, "When you breathe in and out, the air becomes equal with your body." Angel mentions that air pressure is read with a barometer, and if there is low atmospheric pressure, then that probably means a storm is on its way.

My Comment to Angel's "How Much Does the Sky Weigh????"
In my comment to Angel, I introduced myself and explained that I was commenting on the post as an assignment in EDM310. I mentioned to Angel that the sky is obviously very heavy if it weighs as much as 570,000,000,000 Indian elephants! I then asked Angel if she found that fact by searching the internet or if she found that fact in her textbook. I thanked Angel for sharing the blog post, and mentioned how interesting it was. I invited Angel to check out my blog and the EDM310 class blog.

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